

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and beauty, and now wedding planning. Stay awhile, hope you enjoy it!

Wedding Beauty Countdown: Bad Beauty Habits to Quit Before Your Wedding!

Wedding Beauty Countdown: Bad Beauty Habits to Quit Before Your Wedding!

I can’t even believe that my wedding is less than 6 months away! Wedding planning has been a fun, exciting and expensive adventure. I will be sharing more about how to budget for a wedding, how to plan a destination wedding, and everything you need to know about wedding dress shopping over the next few weeks. But for now I want to talk beauty! I’ve seen a lot of posts about beauty rituals for the bride to be, and what beauty products or services to start using 6 months before your wedding.

Since I’m in my 6 month wedding beauty countdown, I figured it was time for me to start assessing my habits and see where there is room for improvement. I don’t want to start a crazy pre-wedding beauty routine, especially not one that is expensive. So I have been thinking about small lifestyle changes to make over the next few months so I can look like the best version of myself possible.

Here are some of the bad beauty habits you should quit 6 months before your wedding!


Stop Neglecting Your Hands Before Your Wedding

From the day you get engaged to the day you walk down the aisle, everyone will be looking at your hands! Keep your hands in perfect condition for showing off that ring and being photographed by showing them a bit more TLC. Moisturize frequently throughout the day, especially after washing your hands. By day make sure to use a hand cream with SPF. I also rub any excess night cream or serum into my hands and cuticles so they get just as much love as my face. And incorporate a weekly scrub and hand mask to keep them perfected. I also made a point of changing my pre-wedding workouts. Even though I love them, boxing and Krav Maga are out for the next few months so I don’t end up with any bruised knuckles!


Give Up on Fad Wedding Body Diets and Quick Wedding Weight Loss Schemes

Once you order your wedding dress, the yo-yo dieting has to stop! It’s not healthy, not sustainable for long-term weight loss, and will cause unnecessary stress before your wedding. Focus on healthy eating and nutritional goals that can be maintained long-term without making you crazy.

If it’s 6 months before your wedding, you can still make some changes with a healthy and consistent fitness routine. Focus on workouts that will help you get the shape you want, like strength training or ballet barre if you want your arms to look amazing in a strapless dress. Don’t fall for fad diets or crash fitness courses, they are just not practical for long term weight management.


Stop Sleeping in Your Makeup

Sleeping in makeup is the absolute worst thing you can do for your skin! If you have a habit of falling asleep with makeup on or forgetting to wash your face, change that habit immediately! The first and most important step in a skin care routine is cleansing. Your products can’t work efficiently if your skin is covered in dirt, dust, and makeup residue. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin every night. Since I wear full makeup every day, I’ve become a fan of the triple cleanse method. Start with an oil or cleansing balm, follow with a liquid cleanser, then gently follow with micellar water to make sure any residue or trace makeup is gone.


Stop Dramatically Changing Your Hairstyle

You can take your time deciding how to wear your hair for your wedding. But to give yourself the best canvas, stop with the radical hair style changes and let your strands recover. Focus on gentle styles, deep conditioning, and avoiding heat or damage. If you decide you want a different cut or color before the wedding, play with options in your hair and makeup trials. Those should be done closer to a month or two before the wedding.


Stop Skipping the Suncreen

Sunscreen is beauty 101 and should be worn daily! Even minor sun exposure can cause damage, dark spots and uneven texture. Use sunscreen every day to protect your skin and keep it in top shape for your wedding day. And as I said above, don’t forget your hands! Make sure to treat them with hand cream with SPF daily leading up to your wedding day.

Check out the Wedding section for more of my tips for planning your big day!


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