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It's Election Time! What American Expats Need to Know to Vote From Abroad!

It's Election Time! What American Expats Need to Know to Vote From Abroad!

Well in case you’ve been living under a rock, this year is a major one for Americans - election time! The 2024 presidential election campaigning has been going on for what already seems like years, but things really came to a head with this week’s first presidential debate. No matter how you feel about the current candidates or election process, voting is an important right and its crucial that we exercise it, especially at a time when so much is at stake.

If you are an American living abroad, you can still vote in the upcoming election with just a little bit of planning. In this post I’ll give you a quick overview of what you need to know to vote as an American living abroad, whether as an expat or digital nomad.

Did you know that millions of Americans living abroad don’t vote - even though they are still eligible? There are almost 3 million people living abroad who are eligible voters and their right to vote is protected by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986,. This law requires that states allow military service members, their eligible family, and other overseas Americans to vote absentee in federal elections. Yes, even ordinary Americans living abroad, not just military service members or diplomats.

Whichever candidate you may be leaning towards, its important to make your voice heard and remember that you can still have an impact. Even if you have moved abroad and don’t plan on returning to the U.S., foreign policy is interchangeable and its effects can be sweeping.

So here is everything you need to know to vote in U.S. elections as an American living abroad!

It's Election Time! What American Expats Need to Know to Vote From Abroad!

Why Should American Expats Living Abroad Vote

As I always say - just because you left the country doesn’t mean you’re out of the game! Foreign policy is interconnected and your life abroad can very much still be impacted by U.S political decisions. And even if you never plan on moving back and are ready to renounce your citizenship (which I don’t believe you should do), you likely still have friends, family and loved ones at home who will very much be impacted. Use your voice in the best way you can to protect their best interests.

Will My Vote Be Counted as an American Living Abroad

It might seem like it won’t make a difference, but your voice matters and your overseas ballot will 100% be counted! Even if you see a race “called” for a certain candidate once the polls close, the state is still required to count every valid ballot received before the election results may be certified. Pay attention to the deadlines for requesting and returning your ballot to make sure it is on time!

How to Vote as An American Expat Living Abroad

There are a few steps to follow, but trust me - they are super simple. Start by going to Vote From Abroad and selecting your state of residence. This will be the last place you lived in the U.S. They will confirm some basic info needed for you to submit the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) form to your Local Election Official in the US. This will register you to vote and request a ballot for that year. Even if you are already registered to vote, you still need to do this step every year to get your absentee ballot.

Then you will wait to receive your absentee ballot by email or regular mail, fill it out and send it back. Some states allow you to email or fax it back, but some will require you to mail it, so pay attention to your state’s regulations and deadlines.

Pretty simple right?

So if you’re an American expat living abroad, get started ASAP and note any important deadlines your state may have. Let me know in the comments if you have voted from abroad in past

It's Election Time! What American Expats Need to Know to Vote From Abroad!

1. Why Should American Expats Living Abroad Vote

2. Will My Vote Be Counted as an American Living Abroad

3. How to Vote as An American Expat Living Abroad

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